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Write Your
Book in 90 Days

The trusted path to establishing your authority as a thought leader in your industry 

Are you struggling to write your credibility-building book that can connect you with qualified customers?

Do you want to become an influential published author but don't know where to begin?

It feels overwhelming and lonely, doesn't it?

You are not alone! Tell me if this sounds familiar...

  • You spend hours staring at the blank screen...
  • You want to write, but you don't know where to begin...
  • You fear that your idea is not marketable and that no one will buy your book...
  • You're stuck because you want to get everything right...
  • You want to be the leader in your niche market without being a pest...

Trust me...I get it! I’ve been there, done that, and brought some souvenirs back to prove it.

But there actually IS a much simpler and foolproof solution... And that's why I created this course!

When I first wrote my chapter for an anthology, it took me several months because I did not know what I was doing. I felt TOTALLY overwhelmed, doubting myself and trying to get everything right BUT even then I failed to do so.

I knew there was an easier way to go about it, and my team and I have spent over 6 years finessing the process of how to write your authority-building book in order to grow your business. I am thrilled to share the fruits of our sweat and tears with you!

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It's not your fault that you have one HUGE obstacle standing in between you and your book...

There is an entire ocean of information out there.

In fact, did you know that 97% of people who start to write a book never finish it? That’s a pretty astounding statistic. Out of every 1,000 people that set out to do so, only 30 actually complete the task. Not only that, only 20% of people who write a book actually publish it. This translates to ONLY six people out of every 1000 publish their book. It's no wonder why you might be struggling!

What if had the exact strategies and support you needed?

What if you had a foolproof way to complete and publish your authority-building book in ONLY 90 days?

How far could you take your business once you've published your book?

With the right tools, support and commitment, there is no limit to what you can do!

Writing to position yourself as a leader while also making an impact on others, like any other skill, takes time to develop and strengthen. Nobody is born with it. Writing takes commitment, investment, and support to ensure you reach the finish line. That's why I created this course!

After overcoming my fears and writer's block, not only have I written over 12 books, but our team has helped 160 authors and counting to become #1 bestselling authors. This course pulls together teachings from world-class writing experts, real-life experiences, research, and tried and true methods to support you through the process so that, you too, can write your authority-building book.

This course will HELP YOU DEVELOP an unstoppable mindset and give you the strategies, and support to confidently write your authority-building book in 90 days!

What You Will Gain From This Course

  • Eliminate the negative beliefs that hold you back
  • A proven 7-step system to research, plan, and complete your book
  • Strategy reviews
  • Custom-tailored action plans to turn you into an authority figure in your niche market

This course is a one-stop-shop to complete your authority-building book

Write Your Authority Building
Book in 90 Days

The trusted path to establishing your authority as a thought leader in your industry

Authority Building Book Course (DIGITAL PROGRAM):



Let’s start your book off right by tackling the number one issue new authors face: what to write about.

Even if you’ve been coaching for years, it can be hard to know what makes a great book. So we’ve created this module with these questions in mind and included…

7 types of books that sell—Chances are you’ve read many of these styles from your favorite authors, and with good reason: They’re the easiest to write, AND they have market appeal.

How to choose the right book type for you and your business—with real-life examples to help you know what style will resonate with your audience.

Why more is not always better—and how a “light” read can perform better with your market.

How to get over the drudgery of writing—get this right, and your excitement for your topic will shine through.

Two types of research you must do—and how to do it.

How to add credibility through research—do this one thing, and you’ll instantly achieve expert status, no matter what your subject matter.

Where to learn more—don’t stop with this guide! Head to your local bookseller and learn from the best.



Having a strategic outline for your book is the perfect accompaniment. Even better, having an outline will be SUPER easy for you to write. 

 In module two, we’ll walk through all of the steps, including…

Identifying your topic—and why it doesn’t have to match your signature product at all.

How to know you’ve refined and defined your topic well enough—and it might take more work than you think.

The special circumstance that makes a DIY book your very best option—but ONLY if you meet these criteria.

The two-step research process that will guarantee your book reaches the right audience—don’t skip this step, or you’ll wind up on the “remainders” table.

Six critical questions to ask during the outlining process—get this right, and your book will be spot on with your unique market

Must have components for every book—without these, your book will not help you.

How to find your voice—this is your unique style and sound, and it’s critical for branding.

The number one tip for writing well— to get far ahead of most other authors.



This is where truly spectacular books are differentiated from the so-so kind. If all you do is write without a plan or a structure, you’ll probably sell a few copies. But when you create a book that flows naturally from one section to the next, you’ll pull your readers along and leave them singing your praises.

In week three, we’ll cover your book’s structure, including…  

The basic purpose and structure of a chapter—get this right, and you’ll instantly make your book more enjoyable to read.  

How to use a popular fiction-writing technique to keep your reader engaged.

The secret of impulsion—and how it can drive your book from beginning to end.

Easy-to-follow examples of a book in progress—no more wondering if you’re missing something important. It’s all right here for you to see in action.

Three types of narratives your book must include—a proper mix of all three makes your book infinitely more enjoyable—and effective.

Other elements to liberally sprinkle throughout your book—these help readers better understand your most important points.

How to nail the most important section of your book—get this right, and you will hook your reader!

The proper use and placement of calls to action—yes, even your book must have them, but they’re not the same as you’re used to.



With the research done, your message clarified, and the structure planned, it’s time to get down to business. Week four is all about getting the work done, so let’s dive in!

How to create your perfect writing schedule—because if you leave it until you feel inspired, you’ll never get that book finished!

The simple math every author needs to know—this alone will set you up for massive success in less time than you imagined.

Why the length isn’t critical for your success—and why shorter might even be better.

5 ways to keep organized and on task—there’s more to finishing a book than just endless typing.

The one thing that will derail your book-writing indefinitely—avoid doing this at all costs!

How to properly edit your book—including four often-seen mistakes that can only be caught on a careful read-through.

Proper formatting techniques—and why hiring a pro is almost always your best bet.

When to schedule your launch—a book launch is a great way to get noticed, but get the scheduling right, or your launch will fall flat.

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Write Your Authority Building
Book in 90 Days

The trusted path to establishing your authority as a thought leader in your industry





Get your book done FASTER with our template that's pre-formatted, easy to use without putting in all the sweat equity involved in writing. ($297)

Having support that’s got your back is the best arsenal you can have. We will be your go-to family for coaching as well as a confidence boost, accountability, advice, and collaboration. (PRICELESS)

You will receive valuable resources, exercises, worksheets, links and other materials to support you in completing your authority-building book. All resources can be downloaded.

Valuable, Clear, Actionable!

Bonuses Matter!
These priceless bonuses will help you jumpstart your journey and reach your goal of becoming a published authorpreneur!






You’ll learn about fundamentals to attract potential readers, convert clients, and help you build a prosperous and exciting business. It will include 20 Things All Entrepreneur Websites Need to Have and 9 Things All Author Websites Need to Have ($697)

  • Cheat sheet for planning and MAKEOVER for your branded photos
  • Creating a brand vision board
  • ZOOM MAKEOVER for Your Facebook Live, Zoom, Summit Videos, and more!
  • Ultimate Business Success Tool to Grow and Scale Your Business
  • Learn about 9 relationships that will take your business from stale to stellar

Private Coaching Sessions with Coach Divya or Head Writing Coach to:

  • Overcome writer's block
  • Structure the content of your book
  • Frame your accomplishments to showcase your expertise

My VIP Clients have paid our team up to $30,000!

Now, they are getting speaking engagements, six-figure opportunities, high-ticket clients, and recurring revenues every month! This is all because they wrote and published an authority-building book!

Here's Gina's story. When she first started writing, she felt stuck. Even though she had put in considerable time in ideation and planning, it seemed to be going nowhere. She was frustrated and tired of writing chapters that she knew weren't as good as she wanted them to be. She was very close to giving writing up altogether!

The first thing we worked on was her WHY for writing. Once she reconnected to her WHY, her limiting beliefs shattered, and an unstoppable mindset emerged.

Next, I helped her assess which type of book would help her reach the right audience and what type of content would provide immense value to her readers. We also worked on how to find her authentic voice and share it.

Then, I helped her gain clarity around the book structure so that there was a natural flow from one section to the next. The flow drew and engaged her readers authentically.

With the research completed, the message clarified, and the structure planned, I helped her move the dial so that she completed her authority-building book in less than 90 days.

Finally, our team helped beyond the book to enable Gina to become a #1 bestselling published author and garner multiple five-figure speaking and coaching opportunities.

After working together, Gina reclaimed her confidence and continues to use her book to accelerate her business and drive impact.

You may be thinking, how much is all this worth?

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Are You Ready to Power Through Obstacles and Write Your Authority-Building Book in 90 Days?

Here's what you get:

  • Authority Building Book Course (DIGITAL PROGRAM) ($4000)
  • VIP Authority-Building Book Writing Template ($297)
  • Legendary Authors Private Community (PRICELESS)
  • BONUS CALL Bland to Brilliant Websites and Author Splash Page ($697)
  • BONUS CALL Shadow to Spotlight Brand Planning ($697)
  • BONUS Ultimate Business Success Tool to Grow and Scale Your Business ($97 Value)
  • Four 30-minutes Private Coaching Sessions with Coach Divya or Head Writing Coach ($1799 Value)

Total Value: $9987

Most courses usually cost at least that much. And oftentimes, you get less bang for your buck.

This isn’t just a bunch of theories no one has really tested out. Neither is it a bunch of information and resources thrown together with the hopes that the course somehow just works out.

I’m offering experiential knowledge and coaching - and you can’t learn that from textbooks. I went deep into the diamond mines for this wisdom. And that sort of wisdom doesn’t have a price. But more importantly, you get a trusted and proven guide - one that comes alongside you to tread this path up the mountain together.

But you won’t pay $10,000…

Nor will you pay $7,000...

In fact, you won’t even pay $5,000!!!

For a course that is decades in the making, one where you receive instruction and guidance on how to…

  • Write your book in a way that establishes lasting authority
  • Structure your book for the most profound impact
  • Market your book for full exposure
  • Build a powerful platform

You'll ONLY pay…$2,997 USD!!!

Payment Plans

We know entrepreneurs start this authorship journey from different levels. For your convenience, we have a starter plan as well as a pacesetter plan. With the pacesetter plan, you GET CITED (guaranteed) on major media outlets like CBS, Fox, and more. When you get your feature story or interview on Major Media Sites, you build massive online credibility. And that’s pure visibility gold (Check out the websites of world-class authorpreneurs and you’ll see a banner similar to the one shown here! Over 70% of our action takers choose this option! ($997)

Starting Blocks

  • Digital Program
  • Bonuses
  • GET CITED (guaranteed) (Valued at $997)

4 Payments of $825

YESSSS! Sign me up!


  • Digital Program
  • Bonuses
  • GET CITED (guaranteed) (Valued at $997)

One-Time Payment of $2997

Got Questions? - we have answers...
Find if this powerful power book writing course is right for you and how Legendary Authors can take your story and business to the next level!

I've done a SIMILAR program. How is this DIFFERENT?

Most of the time, curriculums like this focus on either repetition or provide experience, or share the mastery of the topic. This course focuses on all three elements so you get a well-rounded immersive experience as you complete your authority-building book. Not to mention Divya and the team's have helped 160 plus folks to become #1 bestselling authors!

Am I ready for this?

If you’re asking yourself this, I can guess that you missed out on an opportunity in your life because you didn't feel ready for it. I'll share with you that neither I nor any of our authors started when they were absolutely ready. The key is to take uncomfortable action.

Does it matter if I'm new to writing?

Nope! If you're just getting started, we think this is the best way to get started safely, comfortably, AND THE RIGHT WAY! You'll learn a ton about writing best practices, connect with other aspiring authors, and get spotlighted to our audience.

Will I have to do this alone?

Nope! You can also ask questions in the Legendary Authors Community, Also, you'll have four one-on-one sessions that you can book at your convenience.

When can I get started?

Right away! As soon as you pay the money, you'll have access to the whole program. In fact, we'd recommend joining as soon as possible—we won't be able to maintain the low introductory price forever.

What if I am unable to join?

Because the module steps are pre-recorded, you can go through the modules, lessons, and assignments independently at your pace if you like. Every two weeks for 3 months, there will be live Q and A sessions. If you are unable to attend live Q and A sessions, you'll have access to the replays.

What is the associated RISK? NONE!!!

Our guarantee is that if you follow the outline and do the work as described in the program, you’ll be able to complete your authority-building book in 90 days or less. If after following the outlined strategies of this program to a tee, you still do not have a completed manuscript in 90 days, we will give you FOUR ADDITIONAL 30-minute coaching sessions valued at $1799 for FREE! ** SO THERE IS NO RISK TO YOU!!**

Refund Policy:
Because you get immediate and full access to the course upon purchase, there are no refunds available after purchase. Please contact me if you have any questions.

**Please be advised you’ll need to demonstrate that you’ve done the work by providing completed exercises, checklists, and book templates.  

Meet Divya Parekh

Divya Parekh, a 10-time #1 bestselling author, business growth strategist, and motivational speaker, partners with high achieving business owners, experts on the rise, Fortune 500 and Fortune 50 leaders who are ready to play full out, experience the joy of impacting others, and expand their reach, business, and revenue. Together, they play to build power positioning and recession-proof business through simplifying, strategizing, and scaling the business. Divya and her team have helped 158 authors and counting to become #1 bestselling authors and garner six-figure opportunities.
Divya is committed to helping people move through the transformational journey of becoming influential leaders for the rest of their lives! As a thought leader, she is a regular contributor to prominent publications like Forbes, Entrepreneur, CEO World Magazine, International Coaching News. Also, Divya has been a radio personality and host for the past five years on multiple platforms.

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